Posting Returnable Transport Packaging (RTP) Quantities at Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

A quantity of returnable transport packaging can be entered at goods receipt for a purchase order as follows:

  1. From the Inventory Management menu, choose Start of the navigation path Goods movement Next navigation step Goods receipt Next navigation step For purchase order Next navigation step PO number known Next navigation step or End of the navigation path PO number unknown.

  2. On the initial screen enter the movement type (usually 101) and the order number (or the selection criteria for the purchase order).

  3. Select the required items and copy them.

  4. From the overview screen, choose Start of the navigation path Edit Next navigation step W/o purchase order Next navigation step Enter... End of the navigation path

  5. A window appears in which you can enter the movement type and the special stock indicator (e.g. 501 M ) for the quantity of returnable transport packaging.

  6. Enter the returnable transport packaging items.

  7. Post the goods movement.

Stock Updates

This goods movement results in an increase in the unrestricted-use RTP stock from the vendor. The total valuated stock remains unchanged.

Goods Receipt/Issue Slip for Returnable Transport Packaging (RTP) Items

If this is configured in Customizing for output determination, a goods receipt/issue slip is printed for the RTP items the same way as for other goods receipts. Since the RTP items do not contain any reference to the purchase order, it is not possible to print a goods receipt slip with purchase order data.